25 - 27 February 2025 NSRP 2025 All Panel Meeting - US
22 - 24 May 2025 Bari-Ship - JP
17 - 20 June 2025 Beijing Essen Welding - CN
15 - 19 September 2025 Schweissen & Schneiden - DE
03 - 06 November 2025 ADIPEC - UAE
Rethinking your process chain


Your productivity has to improve every year to maintain a competitive edge. But, you face so many challenges and opportunities every day that it can be hard to identity where to begin. We can assist you. Over the years, we have optimized the work flow of nearly 300 fabricators in the manufacturing industry.

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Production Flow 1

Boosting your efficiency with smart flow design

Together we design the perfect production flow and automate key parts in your process chain. Often by combining new technology with proven systems that may be already in your factory. We connect robots, additional machines and logistics in a clever way, so you maintain in control of the process at all times. We will boost your output and solve production bottlenecks with intelligent machines.

Complete steel profiling solutions including storage and logistics

Getting more output from your existing shops

No need for building new workshops or expanding to new locations. We can boost the efficiency of your existing shop. This way, you realize more output from your existing floor space. We have successfully increased output, reduced errors and lowered cost-of-ownership for many global fabricators.  

Reaching your goal with intelligent machines

Improving your manufacturing process should serve your business goals. Shorter time-to-market? Future expansion into new markets? Best results are realized when taking your business goals as a starting point for transforming the manufacturing process. We can advise you in realizing an efficient plant, where systems, processes and people are cleverly integrated. All working towards your future business goals. 

RinasWeld offline programming by engineer

Streamlining the connection between design and production

Robots are fast and accurate tools, but here is one deficit: you have to tell them exactly what to do. This can take up a lot of manual programming time. We take away all programming overhead with smart software, making the robots easy to use and more versatile. Using your existing 3D drawings is a great way to start streamlining your production and getting a tight grip on quality.

Why KRANENDONK? We have in-house experts on all skills

KRANENDONK is the robot technology center for non-repetitive production. We take responsibility for engineering, commissioning and maintenance of high-end robot solutions. All our hardware and software is developed in-house, meaning our systems will be seamlessly integrated into your production facility.

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